So this is what it is like to be an adult
The uncertainty of waiting for your application to consider after you spent the previous day picking apart what you said in your introductory letter to the likely boss who may or may not employ.
This and more is what I have to deal with today. Especially because I had a real deadline, I wanted to for the first time in years.
First my application out of the way was a relief because I really want this job, and I would want to be to try to be in a job I would want. I also emailed my publisher, who has been waiting around for me an e-mail her back, although I would have simply emailed weeks.
I could go on to have a greater responsibility for adults, but it is hard. I only have so much to do for adults, at a time. I'm just letting you know what happened to me and why I am not posting for a while I tried to create a job, a job I want because it helps me, what I want to do in my life .
Additional contributions come later, now, talking with people over Skype.
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